Click to Pay Zahlungen in Ihrem Webshop
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Integrate Click to Pay in your webshop and revolutionize your checkout
Click to Pay is the digital wallet built by Visa and Mastercard that enables you to offer one-click payments, which do not require the user to enter any information.
The secure storage of sensitive data provided by the network tokens of the two schemes guarantees absolute payment security.
In addition, the Express Checkout feature, with the payment button integrated directly into the checkout or product page, avoids any redirect to external pages and time-consuming filling in fields. This way, the purchase process is shorter and the customer experience improved.
The result for you will be an immediate reduction in abandoned shopping carts and an increase in your conversions.
For more information visit Mastercard and Visa
Customer benefits:
- Easier purchase and payment process.
- Full security for sensible data
- No information entry required
Merchant benefits:
- Reduce abandoned shopping carts and increase sales
- Leverages the security of the Visa and Mastercard Token Network
- Gain the trust of an ever-growing user base
How Click to Pay works
Step 1
The user logs on to their bank's website (or app), adds their credit or debit cards, and selects the Click to Pay option. Or the customer can choose to register their card when selecting Click to Pay in your checkout.
Step 2
The customer selects Click to Pay at checkout and chooses their preffered card.
Step 3
They confirm their payment and address details and approve the payment.
Step 4
For all future purchases on the same site, the customer will be immediately 'recognized' at checkout and can initiate payment with just one click
Erhalten Sie Click to Pay Zahlungen über Multisafepay
- Keine Anlaufkosten
- Mehr als 30 lokale und internationale Zahlungsarten unter einem Vertrag
- Eigene Entwicklung mit exzellentem technischem Support
Wir bieten die folgenden Integrationsmöglichkeiten an:
Hosted solution
Leiten Sie Ihre Kunden auf unsere eigene sichere gehostete Lösung um.
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Vorgefertigte Integrationen
Wir bieten vorgefertigte Integrationen für die gängigsten CMS-Tools.
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Through Click to Pay, our merchants won't have to worry about the security of their payments, as sensitive data is stored directly by Visa and Mastercard. Furthermore, they will be able to offer their customers a quick and flawless purchasing experience."